Double US Commercial Installs = $5B PV
Mrkt Increase
Commercial Market Uses 36% of U.S. Energy…
BUT Only accounts for 5% of Installs Each Year
Addressable U.S. Commercial Rooftop = 145
GW Market ($200B in potential installations)
Why All the Empty Rooftops?
Problem with Fixed Tilt Solar
Rocking Solar Solution
Economics: Low PV Solar Efficiency with Max Energy Only at High Noon
Improved Efficiency by up to 40% Reduced Capital Cost by 20%
Weight: Maximizes Panels per Roof
Area and Therefore Weight.
Fewer Panels Offset Hardware Weight Reducing Deadload by 40%.
Flexibility: Panels Crowd Preventing
Roof Access and Repairs
Row Spacing Allows for Roof and Panel Access Between Each Row.
Wind: High Tilt Panel Wind Exposure
Requires Roof Penetrations
Wind Sensors, Interconnected Rows, and Wall Mounts Reduce Penetrations
Other Markets Include: Capped Landfills, Rotating of Agriculture Fields, and other low slope applications where permanent Ground Mounts are not desired.